只需要看这一部电影版就可以知道为什么有那么多人会成为这个系列的死忠算是硬科幻哲学、逻辑、情感、机器、宇宙的辨证室内戏为主禁漫天堂基本无动作场面节奏也不快但它回归到了科幻电影的本质——inspire your imagination完全没有猜到结尾
I’m a one sided person, I don’t know a great deal.// I have limited intelligence and I’ve used it in a particular direction// unlike chess, In physics, when you discover, it becomes more simple. It looks more complicated experience expand; but when things are pulled together and unified; it is always simpler// it all comes down to beam// 费曼爸爸是我理想型